Novari was a Spotify-style web app, providing unlimited access to full quality generative art via subscription.
I was responsible for all aspects of product design, software development and maintenance.
Novari Arts Ltd
2019 - 2021
Tech Stack
- Ruby on Rails
- Javascript (ES6)
- AWS S3 & Cloudfront
- PostgreSQL
- Stripe API
- Heroku
- Chromecast SDK
- Selected Features
- Method
- Play controls across multiple devices
- WebSockets
- Subscriptions and payments
- Stripe API
- Email notifications
- Action Mailer
- Artist Portal with secure upload
- AWS S3
- Chromecast integration
- Chromecast SDK
- Optimised artwork loading speeds
- Artwork variants and Cloudfront
- Secure User and Artist authorisation
- Devise gem
"Really liking the look of the platform, very simple and clear … really nice to be able to see something so straight forward and secure for artists.”
"… have loved using it to date, so thank you!"